Barry Cap › Contributing

  1. Commits
  2. Versioning
  3. Languages
  4. Code

As a start, I would like to thank everyone who is contributing or who wants to contribute to this repository.

This is a project I made mostly alone, but if anyone wants to collaborate to this site, doing some little typo, design fixes or even art that they want to share, I would be very glad and open for some help and content.


I am not very strict at naming commits, so I will just exlain some fundamentals.


The default format for commit names on this repository is:

[verb] [edited]/[old] (of [nest] to [value] in [file])/by [edited]


Everything that is inside parenthesis ((…)) is not mandatory.


If the body text color is set to #eee in styles.css, the commit name should be:

Set `color` of `body` to `#eee` in `styles.css`

Starting with a verb

Every commit should begin with a verb at the present time, explaining the kind of action that is being executed in the commit.


If the file is being added, the commit name could begin with or could to be:

Add ``

If a property that is linked with the white theme is edited, the commit name would look like:

Change white theme

Followed by what has been edited or added

The commit name should include, after the verb, the file name (surrounded by backticks if possible, to be formated like this on GitHub) or something that has been changed.


If a script was added in script.js to change the random background animation in Random page, the commit name would look like:

Add script to change background animation in Random page

Splitted if too long

To show in a good manner on all displays and viewing modes, the standard limit for the first line of commit names is at 50 (while it is at 72 for any other line).


The commit name example above is too long (6 characters above the 50 limit), so it has to be splitted in two lines:

Add script to change background animation
in Random page

The commit name can be splitted before the announcement of were the modifications are applying to, so generally before the word ‘in’.

Including the number of files modified

If numerous files that are being edited (e.g. a meta tag is changed in all HTML files), the commit name should include the number of files modified.


If the favicon is changed in all 56 HTML pages, the commit name would be:

Change favicon in all 56 pages

Pages' title capitalized

The first letter of a mentioned page needs to be written in capital, generally followed by page.


If a white theme button is added in Random page, the commit name would be:

Add white theme button in Random page

Fixing issues

If it is certain that an issue will be fixed when merging this commit to the master branch, the commit name can include the issue ID (beginning with #), preceded by Fix, with a white space between the two.


If the header CSS animation in Intro page is fixed, and if it closed the issue number 78, the commit name could look like:

Fix header animation in Intro page Fix #78

Multiple changes

If multiple changes are done in the commit, they have to be separated in different lines.


If is added and a typo was fixed in, the commit name would be:

Add ``
Fix typo in ``

Adding description

Additional information about what is being done in the commit can be added after a line break, not beginning with a capital letter.


If is updated by adding link to Stack Overflow profile, the commit name could be:

Update ``
add link to Stack Overflow profile

Not ending with a period

No full stop or any other punctuation character has to be inserted at the end of the commit name.

Updating version

Every commit changes something to the site, and this can be seen with the version, that has to be updated with every commit (do not do it in changes that will be applied within a pull request, I will update it myself, in a commit where I have done something else, or in a ‘Update version’ commit). The version indicator can be found in the code block in the About page (/about.html).


The version of the site is represented in the below format:


The true commit number can be found in the contributors table of the repository, where all the commits count from every contributor have to be additionned. The commit number can also be found by calculating the number of commits found on the repository home page (e.g. 880 at the time this is written) plus 93.


The version of the site, with the commit introducing, was:


A new major version is introduced when the website completely changes its appearance. A new minor version is introduced when a big change was made to the website. Contributors will have to demand permission from me to update the website to a major or minor version, or their modifications might be refused.

Information about the different versions of the website can be found at


Most of the website is written in American English. I do not want to see things like ‘colour’, ‘licence’ or ‘realisations’ in the American English version of the website.

English punctuation rules

I have the habit to be a bit hard with myself on the punctuation marks. There are four points that I would like to explain.

The dash ()

The usage of dashes is often confused in many languages, where some people uses only the en dash (–), with or without spaces at its sides, while some are using both for different usage (e.g. en dash for lists, em dash as sentence separator), and there are even other kind of usage… So I will be clear. There is only one type of dash used in English texts, and that is the em dash (—). It has to be used without spaces after nor before.


The train was about to leave—travelers were jostling for a seat.

Horizontal ellipsis ()

The usage of horizontal ellipsis is also quite different depending on websites, people etc., some time used as ‘…’ (one character), ‘...’ (three periods) or ‘. . .’ (three periods spaced) The rule on is simple: each time horizontal ellipsis have to be used, the Unicode character has to be preferred.

Quotation marks (, , and )

Some are using those: ' ( apostrophe, both the same at each end), while others: " ( quotation mark, both the same at each end), some more experimented: “ and ” ( left double quotation mark and right double quotation mark) or ‘ and ’ ( left single quotation mark and right single quotation mark). The rule on is to use single quotation marks, different for each end (‘ and ’), and if there is a need for putting quotation marks inside of quotation marks, the characters used will be double quotation marks (“ and ”), also different at each end.

Spaces before punctuation marks (:, ;, ?, ! and )

This is generally respected: no space before colons, semicolons, exclamation marks, question marks and horizontal ellipsis in English, and most other languages.

French punctuation rules

French is a language in which punction marks usage often differs from other languages. The thing that is important to French punctuation is the no-break space, that needs to be placed before or after punctuation marks.

The dash ( and )

The dash used inside sentences will always be the en dash (–), surrounded by regular spaces, unless it is used like parenthesis, framing a part of text in which case a no-break space (  in HTML) has to be inserted inside the part of the sentence surrounded by en dashs.

As for dialogues, the dash used will be an em dash, followed by a no-break space.



Le train s'apprêtait à partir les voyageurs se bousculaient pour une place. Il faisait beau – c'était le début de l'automne – et les feuilles virevoltaient en tous sens.

HTML code (with comments):

&emsp;Le train s'apprêtait à partir <!--regular space--><!--regular space-->les voyageurs se bousculaient pour une place. Il faisait beau <!--regular space-->&nbsp;c'était le début de l'automne&nbsp;<!--regular space-->et les feuilles virevoltaient en tous sens.

Horizontal ellipsis ()

The usage for horizontal ellipsis is the same for French as it is in English: the Unicode character (…) has to be used instead of three periods, and a space must not be inserted before the punctuation mark.

Quotation marks (« and »)

For french texts, a left guillemet («, at the beginning) and a right guillemet (», at the end) need to be used with a no-break space (&nbsp; in HTML) in the inside, instead of common quotation mark (") or any other punctuation mark.

Spaces before punctuation marks (:, ;, ? and !)

The rule is not always respected in French: always add a no-break space before colons, semicolons, exclamation marks and question marks.


I have many rules in terms of coding, but I will be quite permissive for any page created by others. However, empty lines in the middle of files are to be avoided in all languages (that ignore empty lines e.g. not Markdown). I will just show some code examples to help perceive the way I code HTML and CSS.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!--`meta`s, `link`s, `script`s, `title`, and `style` if needed-->
  <body><!--Set `<body class="class-of-body">` for animated backgrounds mostly-->
      <a href="/">
      <div class="txt">
      <!--images, content etc.-->



@keyframes home { 100% { background-position: -32px 32px; } }
body {
  background: var(--c0);
  color: var(--cc);
  margin: 0;
  cursor: var(--mdef);
  font-family: var(--ffmb);
  transition: ease-in .2s;
div {
  padding-top: 16px;
  min-height: 100vh;

The CSS @keyframes at-rule, as well as all the CSS at-rules need to be minified, at least in the main CSS file (styles.css).

Avoid using libraries

The site must be ‘cleanest’ and ‘lightest’ as possible, not using any HTML, CSS, JavaScript library nor preprocessor for doing things that could be done without one. The following libraries and preprocessors must not take place on this project:




And I must have forgotten some of it. If anyone wants to use an open-source library on this website, they can demand my agreement.