This is a 3D object generator project I made with Archibald Perez. It works using the Wavefront OBJ language. Vertices are first placed randomly within a cube, they are then randomly linked to form triangular faces. A random color filter is finally applied to the page.
I recently discovered a new artistic concept: virtual sculpture. I made a 3D central perspective flower with Blender. The page generally takes quite a long time to load—you may not see it, but it’s 990,740 faces to form those curves.
Click on the button above to change the theme (experimental feature).
A CSS etude I made: Click Me 2. All you have to do is to click the button. It’s just as easy as you could have thought.
Is this a game? Is this art? Click on the image above to discover the answers (and take the time to find what’s the big deal).
Cycles Rendering Settings Tests. A chart that shows the Blender render time compared to the tile size setting.